Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ethan he has gotten so big!

How cute is he! He is getting so big! This smile was soon followed by crying but we will take what we can get. Thanks for the nice picture Uncle Steve!

Marriage Retreat

Steve and I just got back from a weekend at a marriage retreat. We had a wonderful time. This is the third year that we have gone. Each year we have such a great time. We get to spend time with each other and with our friends. It is just a small group of about 12 couples. During our time together we have group sessions, alone time, date night and of course free time. Usually during free time the girls hit some shops and the boys hang out and play w/their laptops and go to the music store, which is right in front of the inn. So good time had by all.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Sorry to those of you that might have wanted to leave comments it has been fixed to comment away!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Our Housesitting Trip...Yes more Snow

We stayed out at my aunt and uncles for a few days to house/dog/cat sit. It turned into quite an adventure :o) between two storms of over 8 inches each of snow we again spent a lot of time working out in the snow. Poor Steve got the plow truck stuck in the ditch which became quite a project to get out and then a drive into town to snowblow out our driveway during the first storm and then we got hit w/the second storm so we got up early and plowed again at least enough to get out from the hill and then back into town to get our house cleaned out. Thankfully school was cancelled so Steve had plenty of time to work on the driveway which was good because he got my car stuck. I've included some pictures of our snowy trip.


I think we have gotten 200 inches of snow, well more like 40 plus inches in the month of December. So we have plowed, shoveled and used the snowblower to clear this mess. I must say that when it is snowing it is very pretty it is like living in Narnia. I think Steve will be going to school until August if this continues.