Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Busy week....What day is it..............

Well, it is Wednesday and I already feel like it should be Friday! We have started using a new
system at work so we are running two at the same time so that means double the work! Oh, fun more work and no more to love Corporate America! I think we actually might get to be home together on Thursday this week...Hi I'm Jessica and your name is??????????? Oh, Steve the great guy I married. Nice to see you again. It is just amazing how quickly time goes by it seems like you blink and the weekend is over and your back to the grind. I don't think you can ever have to much vacation time. Anyway, hopefully we will get down to see Ethan and Colby sometime in the next couple of weeks that kid is going to be a year old before I see him at this rate! That is all for now.

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